Our Trainings

Equipping individuals with the skills to recognize warning signs, provide support, and potentially save lives, creating a suicide-safer community for everyone.
We offer comprehensive suicide prevention training programs designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to recognize warning signs, provide effective support, and take proactive steps in preventing suicide. Our trainings aim to foster a suicide-safer community for everyone by empowering participants with practical tools and strategies. We have something for everyone, including individuals, open public sessions, organizational training, and different levels of intervention to suit various needs, ages, and abilities.

Training Programs Offered


Key Features of Our Training Programs

Expert-Led Instruction: Our programs are led by certified trainers with extensive experience in suicide prevention and mental health support.

Interactive Learning: Participants engage in role-playing, group discussions, and practical exercises to build confidence and competence.

Resource Materials: Comprehensive manuals, reference guides, and access to additional support resources are provided to all attendees.

Community Focus: Our training emphasizes building a network of support within the community to create a safer environment for everyone.

By participating in REPS training programs, you join a dedicated community committed to preventing suicide and promoting mental well-being. Together, we can make a significant difference in saving lives and creating a supportive, suicide-safer community.

For upcoming trainings, check out the calendar below!