Suicide Prevention Advocates

Suicide Prevention Advocates (SPA) is a team of ASIST-certified and trained volunteers who provide support to those who are struggling with suicide ideation, have attempted suicide, or have lost a loved one to suicide. SPA volunteers offer compassion and support to clients and families. REPS receives referrals from UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center Emergency Department as well as from individuals who seek an extra layer of support on an ongoing basis.

Become a Suicide Prevention Advocate

In order to be considered a candidate of the SPA Program, several trainings are required to become involved.
These two courses include QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) and LivingWorks safeTALK. In addition, a two day Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) workshop is encouraged. 
Learn More

Jenny Corrigan

For more information or ways to get involved with this program, please contact our Suicide Prevention Advocates Program Coordinator, Jenny Corrigan.
Contact Information
Phone: (970) 846-8182 ext.4

For Current Suicide Prevention Advocates

Suicide Prevention Advocates Forms

SPA New Client Form

Click Here

SPA Annual Questionnaire

Click Here

SPA GroupMe

Click Here to Join
Reps spa groupme qr code